Photo 1: I started at this stall, trying to capture the seller and buying. unfortunately the background is a bit washed out, but there is some good balance between the two people.
Photo 2: I moved to a high point to try to get an overall feel for the market here. This photo does show a lot going on - people out shopping, drinking, etc, but doesn't have the oomph I'm looking for - there is also a large blank area bottom right which I don't like.
Photo 3: I turned around to shoot this shot on the other side of the market, but again the background is quite bright, though does show some context as to where we are.
Photo 4: I moved in closer to the mulled wine/ beer stall, but managed not to actually get any drinks in the shot! So it's quite dull really.

Photo 5: Then I thought I'd try to get someone eating (a common activity at the German markets!), but unfortunately no one is looking up, and the composition is not terribly interesting.

Photo 6: So I moved to a stallholder where I thought the light might be a bit more even too. She looks very serene which I like, and you can see the produce, but it doesn't really capture the essence of the market.

Photo 7: I moved to the stall next door and snapped the hanging decorations, which are fun, but not really capture the market either. It would have been better with a person looking at the trinkets perhaps?

Photo 8: I went close to these lovely lights which look great and colourful in my photo. I like the narrow depth of field, and these certainly look Christmassy, though not really very German...
Photo 9: I again turned around to this time focus on a food stall. I quite like this shot, it shows the two workers preparing food, obviously at a market in the cold, you get a good feeling from this shot. It's nice and warm too with the reds. The people look interesting but relaxed too.

Photo 10: I've captured a woman eating (she might not like me for that!). I like her look of concentration and the busy market in the background.
Photo 11: Back to mroe produce for sale, this time more classically German - sweets! I like the womans hand in the shot, it gives a bit of context, and all the different packets look good.
Photo 12: I moved a bit to get the womans face in the photo which I think works well, though perhaps if I could have moved more it might have been better (but there was a stall in the way!). It is quite interesting, and looks like a market with German produce.
Photo 13: I moved on to the sausage cookers. I quite like the steam rising on the glass near the sausages here, and how the photo is broken in two by the counter. I like the balance in this shot, and the narrow DOF works well.
Photo 14: Staying with the sausages, but I don't think this one works as well, the background (woman) is not as interesting this time.
Photo 15: I moved to the Hot wine stall then, and tried to capture people enjoying their hot wine, but some were a bit shy and moved away or tried to move out of my photos! It's hard to be inconspicous with a massive camera! However I do like this photo, with the blurred lights in the background and the mugs.
Photo 16: I tried again with another group, who didn't move away, but this shot still doesn't really work, and just looks like a snap shot to me...
Photo 17: I thought the menu board with some people in front would be interesting, but it doesn't work too well.
Photo 18: I went back to the sausage sellers to try to get another version there. I was rewarded with them actually serving, and some food on the counter, which is quite effective.
Photo 19: Another version, which I think works better (needs the larger DOF really).

Photo 20: I tried to get this woman eating her sweet donuts, but she looked down just as i pressed the shutter! But it's not that interesting a composition anyway.
Photo 21: I finally got some people enjoying their wine. I like this shot, but it would be better if the people were engaging with each other, instead of being a bit static. I didn't feel really comfortable standing there snapping away though, so didn't stay to take more shots.

Photo 22: I like this photo of a woman about to enjoy her German meal. You can see the lights behind her of the market and othe people walking by, and she is all rugged up in bright colours.

Photo 23: I really wanted to capture the busyness of this stall with all it's bright trinkets, and get the stallholder in the background (I focussed on her). I think it works quite well, it's very busy but colourful and interesting. There is some balance between the top third and bottom two thirds which works well.

Photo 24: For this final shot I stood behind one of the stalls to look out onto the market, and get some nice lights (sold at the stall) in the foreground. This worked quite well I think, it's nice and colourful and shows where we are (at a market).

I found this a very challenging project! To photograph people without asking permission is a bit strange, but of course I was just documenting the market really. I like some of the shots but might try to redo this project some time if I find the right occasion, and maybe take my time a little more. I should take more photos! And try not to be too shy... ;-)
Favourites: I really like 19, the sausages jump out the photo at you! And 22 is another favourite I think.
I'm not looking forward to this project, but reading through this post has set my mind at rest somewhat. You can see your confidence definitely growing throughout the set, from some cautious shots at the beginning, to getting behind a stall at the end! You definitely get a feel of what the project was after from them - I hope I can do as well (first task is to find something busy - my local area seems to turn into a ghost town the moment I step out at the moment). My favourite by the way is 24 - I like the sense of hustle and bustle and people browsing.