Detail of gravestone.
In this strongly graphic example, both orientations are interesting.

Yellow Berries.
The strong vertical line of the tree makes the portrait orientation stronger.

The placement of the red decoration in the landscape orientation works slightly better.

The graphic element of the winding path is emphasized more in the portrait image.

Another strongly graphic image, the portrait orientation works better.

Works in both orientations, though the portrait version is slightly more interesting.

The large gravestone is more distinctly the subject matter in the portrait orientation, which makes for a stronger photo than the landscape shot, which has a 'record' feel to it.

There is more context in the landscape orientation, combined with the dominant horizontal lines of the walls and gravestones.

As the castle is the main point of interest in the photo, not the trees in the foreground, the landscape version is stronger.

The landscape orientation with strong lines from cross-cutting branches works slightly better in this example.

This snow covered, sunlit wall works in both orientations. I slightly prefer the portrait orientation, as the grasses are placed at 'rule of thirds' location and this makes the image stronger.

The zoomed in view of the branches is more interesting, though the tall trees suit the portrait orientation also.

Both orientations make for effective, interesting photos. The portrait orientation follows the 'rule of thirds' more closely with the reeds filling more space at the bottom of the image which I think is more interesting.

The landscape orientation includes more of the building, and makes for a stronger photo.

The landscape shot is more interesting in this case because the lamppost is an interesting feature.

The tall tower in the portrait orientation, slightly off-set to the left, makes for a stronger photo.

The horizontal lines of the boat make the landscape orientation photo stronger in this case.

Both images work in this case, though I think the portrait image is slightly stronger, with the long line of the rooftop combining with the bridge to form a 'zigzag' through the photo.

The landscape orientation works slightly better - the strong clouds in the sky are more interesting than the green foilage in the foreground of the portrait photo.

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