Monday 18 January 2010


Last weekend I decided to have a bit of a play with my new flash and take some photos of myself. The setup was quite simple - flash through white umbrella, me against a cream wall, with a bit of natural light coming in through the window. I thought for the People & Places course it would be useful trying being on the other side of the camera for a change! Though using the timer is not ideal, as you need to hold the expression at the right time, which lacks spontaneity. Somewhat of a solution would be a remote, but I'm not sure you can get one for my camera, and I don't know how much I'd really use it. Also it's quite hard to set the focus up. I think I did OK on this shoot, but sometimes the eyes are a little soft (not a problem so much with these torso shots, but a major challenge for head/shoulders shots). Anyway, here is one of the photos, post-processed to B&W in photoshop. It will also explain my upcoming absence from photography activities, until the baby shots start coming in!!

From Miscellaneous


  1. Lovely shot - you're glowing!

  2. Lovely self portrait, really nicely done! And nice to meet you :)
